Thursday, January 19, 2006

Rain Rain /morning run

Yesterday evening i was to run for minimum of 1'30 min but the rain came down so hard that i had to stop and then walk in the rain home cos i dont want to get sick like Pm1 with fever .

I only manage 5 loops instead of going 10 loops so tough to run alone and so many cars passing cant concenterate here .
Oh i pass the training to the following day in the morning .

Cant sleep all night dont know why maybe just thinking if i can complete the pacesetters 30k
on sunday as i havent try completing this route .
Started by 5am run till 7am for two hours cant really figure out how many km the route .
but i finish it running at a pace slower than the marathon pace .
did 2'08:37s later im going to the track to complete a cruel 18hrs training altogether , friday i get full rest sleep and sleep, eat sleep cos i need it .

5 loops > 46:36s

km? > 2'08:37s

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