Monday, March 12, 2007

Smart Tunnel run 11/3/2007

I never wanted to run this Smart Tunnel race as it was just a week from KL Marathon too close,but coach say we should run it after weeks of training and long run we now need a short race to sharpen up for the marathon.

Jeremi and I went to the race and after meet friends and taking photo it was time for my alsway late warm up before went to start the race .
I heard the distance is 13.3km i don't have to push or chase anyone as i want to recover as soon as possible .The race was delay for some reasons i don't know be the time it go started people where tryining to fine way pass the trafic then run so km before going into the tunnel .. wow there was a hot warm air coming from the tunnel running inside the tunnel was like running in the hot sun with temprature about 30 deg.. i try to maintain my pace as much as i could but this thai runner came and want to over take me then i say this i can not let it be .. becos later more people going to come pass me the i will lose ground .

I just follow and follow him and the knows so i over take him lead for a while beofore he recovery to take the lead again with this we where able to pass 2 runners along the way by the time we make the u turn i know i have to push away if not that guy will beat me.

With the new Saucony fast grid racing shoe i feel so comfortable and stable in the run trying to maintain the rythme all through till the later [art of the race in the tunnel that i notice this indian guy catching up with me so fast so i had to double up my pace till i came out of the tunnel then he caught up with me and say come on richard .. i know we are almost going to finish i still feel good and strong so i just go with his pace till 100m to finish i just sprint to finish from him .i finish in the time of 51:57s just about 4 min pace,position 12 .

I notice that since i havent been taking part in the short 10km run for a long time,i have not improve on my time for that distance as i should have been faster than my finishing time .. but i satisfy with the time as itthe pace i want to used for the marathon .
I hope to get my target this coming sunday in the marathon.

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