Monday, November 27, 2006

Singapore Marathon 2006

Its been a while since i last wrote something here .. well a lots has happend and lots is still going on .I have been working so hard this pass few weeks for the Singapore Marathon as i havent race there before . This time i think im in a good shape to run as compered to last timeout in putrajaya where i had to run with a thigh injury ...
People ask me ,Richard How fast can you go in singapore ? For me i dont know as i have heard that the race is full of all the professionals so i bet i will follow and see . Its gonna be a plat form for me to preper for next year KL Marathon 2007 .
So for all the guys and ladies taking part in the race i hope you all have a good time running .. see you there

1 comment:

Keipo said...


Hope u can sub 2:45 ya ...!!

Good luck in SIM !!